About Us

Elevating Landscapes Since 1992

Founded by Les Lightfoot in 1992, LEI Grounds Groomers has grown from a passionate vision into a leading name in professional landscape maintenance and enhancement. With over three decades of dedication, we’ve established ourselves as experts in creating and caring for exceptional outdoor spaces that communities love and enjoy.

At LEI Grounds Groomers, we believe that a well-maintained landscape is the cornerstone of a thriving community. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating environments that foster joy, wellness, and connection. This belief has driven us to offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of Homeowners Associations, apartment complexes, and community developments.

Some Cool Facts

Numbers Speak For Themselves

Satisfied Clients
0 +
Years of Experience
Average Retention
0 %

Our Journey

Our journey began with a simple but powerful idea from our founder, Les Lightfoot: to transform any outdoor space into a beautifully groomed landscape that enhances the quality of life for everyone. Les’s passion for landscaping, coupled with a commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction, laid the foundation for LEI Grounds Groomers.

Over the years, we’ve expanded our services and expertise, always staying true to our core values of professionalism, sustainability, and innovation. Our team of certified professionals is dedicated to providing high-quality, customized solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients.

Our Commitment

We are committed to delivering not just services, but solutions that enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor spaces. From regular grounds maintenance to comprehensive landscape enhancements and efficient irrigation solutions, we ensure that your landscapes are not only visually appealing but sustainable and healthy.


Sustainability is a principle that guides all our projects. We employ eco-friendly practices and materials to minimize our environmental impact, believing that the best landscapes are those that are not only beautiful but also harmonious with nature.

Our Team

As a cohesive team of highly skilled TNLA Certified Landscape Professionals and knowledgeable Associates who pride ourselves on effective communication, it is our unwavering responsibility to strive towards excellence and consistently deliver unparalleled results.

Why Choose LEI Grounds Groomers?

Choosing LEI Grounds Groomers means partnering with a company that:

Having over 30 years of experience in any field, especially in landscape maintenance and enhancements like those offered by LEI Grounds Groomers, is significant for several reasons:

  1. Expertise and Knowledge: Over three decades, a company accumulates a wealth of knowledge and expertise in its industry. This means they have encountered and solved a wide variety of challenges, which equips them to handle almost any situation or project with confidence and efficiency.

  2. Reputation and Trust: Longevity in business often correlates with a solid reputation. A company that has been successful for over 30 years is likely to have built a strong trust with clients, suppliers, and within the community. This trust is invaluable for new and returning customers, as it assures quality and reliability.

  3. Adaptability and Evolution: To stay in business for such a long time, a company must have adapted to changes in the market, technology, and customer preferences. This adaptability is a testament to the company’s ability to evolve and innovate, ensuring that they offer the most current and effective solutions to their clients.

  4. Extensive Portfolio: Three decades of work result in an extensive portfolio of projects, showcasing the company’s capabilities across a broad range of services and challenges. This portfolio provides potential clients with concrete examples of the company’s work and success.

  5. Professional Network: Over the years, a company builds a vast network of professional relationships, including suppliers, contractors, and industry experts. This network can be leveraged to benefit clients, often leading to more competitive prices, higher quality materials, and access to a wider range of services.

  6. Understanding of Local Environments: For companies involved in landscaping and outdoor services, long-term experience often brings a deep understanding of local climates, soils, and ecosystems. This knowledge is crucial for creating sustainable and thriving landscapes.

  7. Commitment to Customer Satisfaction: A company doesn’t just survive for over 30 years without a strong commitment to customer satisfaction. This duration signals a consistent track record of meeting or exceeding customer expectations, a key factor for anyone looking to hire a service provider.

In summary, over 30 years of experience signifies not just survival in a competitive market but a thriving business that has consistently delivered value, quality, and innovation to its customers. It’s a hallmark of reliability and excellence that can give clients confidence in the company’s ability to meet their needs effectively.

Understanding the unique needs of clients or projects is crucial in almost every industry, including landscape maintenance and enhancement services like those provided by LEI Grounds Groomers, for several reasons:

  1. Tailored Solutions: Each client or project comes with its own set of requirements, preferences, challenges, and goals. Understanding these unique needs allows a service provider to tailor their solutions specifically to meet those requirements, ensuring more effective and satisfying outcomes.

  2. Efficiency and Effectiveness: When a company understands the specific needs of a project, they can allocate resources more efficiently, choose the right materials and methods from the start, and avoid unnecessary work or revisions. This not only saves time and money but also increases the effectiveness of the project.

  3. Client Satisfaction: Clients feel valued and understood when their specific needs and concerns are acknowledged and addressed. This leads to higher client satisfaction, repeat business, and positive referrals, which are vital for the success and growth of any business.

  4. Competitive Advantage: Companies that are adept at identifying and meeting the unique needs of their clients can differentiate themselves from competitors. This ability to provide personalized service can become a key competitive advantage, attracting more clients who are seeking solutions that go beyond one-size-fits-all approaches.

  5. Innovation and Creativity: Understanding unique needs often requires thinking outside the box to come up with creative and innovative solutions. This not only challenges a company to grow and improve but also leads to the development of new services and techniques that can benefit the industry as a whole.

  6. Building Relationships: Taking the time to understand and cater to the unique needs of clients helps in building strong, long-term relationships. These relationships are based on trust and mutual respect, creating a loyal client base that is essential for sustainable business growth.

  7. Quality Outcomes: When solutions are tailored to the specific needs and context of a project, the quality of the outcomes is generally higher. For landscaping projects, this means creating outdoor spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional, sustainable, and perfectly suited to the client’s lifestyle or business requirements.

  8. Adaptability and Learning: Engaging with a variety of unique needs encourages a company to be adaptable and continuously learn. This adaptability and willingness to learn are critical in a rapidly changing world, allowing a company to stay relevant and continue providing high-value services.

In summary, understanding the unique needs of clients or projects is fundamental to providing high-quality, personalized services that lead to successful outcomes, client satisfaction, and the long-term success of a business

Commitment to sustainability and the employment of eco-friendly practices in landscape maintenance and enhancements, such as those upheld by LEI Grounds Groomers, is important for several compelling reasons:

  1. Environmental Protection: Eco-friendly practices help protect the environment by minimizing pollution, reducing waste, and conserving natural resources. Sustainable landscaping techniques, such as using native plants, reducing chemical use, and conserving water, contribute to the preservation of local ecosystems and biodiversity.

  2. Climate Change Mitigation: Sustainable landscaping practices can contribute to mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with traditional landscaping methods, such as those from gasoline-powered equipment, and by enhancing carbon sequestration in soil and vegetation.

  3. Health and Safety: Reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides in favor of organic and natural alternatives helps ensure the health and safety of not only the environment but also the people and animals that inhabit it. This reduces exposure to harmful chemicals that can cause a range of health issues.

  4. Water Conservation: Employing water-efficient irrigation systems and drought-tolerant plants are key sustainable practices that help conserve water. This is particularly important in areas prone to drought and water scarcity, ensuring landscapes remain vibrant without straining local water resources.

  5. Long-Term Cost Savings: While some sustainable practices may require an initial investment, they often lead to significant cost savings over time. Reduced water usage, lower energy costs, and decreased need for chemical treatments all contribute to financial savings for homeowners, businesses, and communities.

  6. Enhanced Aesthetic and Property Value: Sustainable landscapes are not only environmentally friendly but can also be aesthetically pleasing, offering a diverse range of colors, textures, and wildlife attractions. This can increase property value and make spaces more attractive and enjoyable for people to live, work, and play.

  7. Social Responsibility: Committing to sustainability reflects a company’s social responsibility and ethical stance. It demonstrates a consideration for future generations and a commitment to making positive contributions to society and the planet.

  8. Regulatory Compliance: With increasing environmental regulations aimed at promoting sustainability, adopting eco-friendly practices helps ensure compliance with local, state, and federal environmental laws and guidelines, avoiding potential fines and legal issues.

  9. Market Demand: Consumers are increasingly seeking out environmentally friendly products and services. A commitment to sustainability can meet this demand, attracting clients who prioritize eco-conscious choices, and setting a business apart from competitors.

  10. Resilience and Adaptability: Sustainable landscapes are often more resilient to extreme weather, pests, and diseases, reducing the need for emergency interventions and ensuring that landscapes remain healthy and vibrant in the face of environmental challenges.

In summary, a commitment to sustainability and the use of eco-friendly practices in landscaping are critical for protecting the environment, ensuring health and safety, achieving long-term cost savings, enhancing property value, fulfilling social responsibility, and meeting regulatory and market demands. These practices ensure that landscapes are not only beautiful but also contribute positively to the planet and its inhabitants.


Valuing customer satisfaction and working closely with clients to achieve their vision and exceed their expectations are fundamental principles for any service-oriented business, including landscape maintenance and enhancement services like those provided by LEI Grounds Groomers. Here are several reasons why these principles are critically important:

  1. Building Trust: Demonstrating a commitment to customer satisfaction helps build trust between the service provider and the client. When clients feel that their needs and concerns are understood and addressed, they are more likely to trust the provider’s expertise and recommendations.

  2. Repeat Business and Loyalty: Satisfied customers are more likely to return for additional services and remain loyal to the business over time. This loyalty is invaluable, as retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

  3. Positive Word-of-Mouth: Happy clients are more likely to recommend the service to friends, family, and colleagues. Positive word-of-mouth is one of the most powerful marketing tools, as potential clients are more likely to trust recommendations from people they know.

  4. Competitive Advantage: In a competitive market, offering outstanding customer service and exceeding expectations can differentiate a business from its competitors. This can be a decisive factor for clients when choosing between service providers.

  5. Enhanced Reputation: A business that values customer satisfaction and consistently delivers on its promises will develop a strong reputation in the industry. This reputation can attract new clients who are looking for a provider they can rely on to meet their needs.

  6. Problem Resolution: Working closely with clients allows service providers to quickly identify and resolve any issues that may arise, preventing minor concerns from escalating into major problems. This proactive approach can further enhance client satisfaction.

  7. Customized Solutions: Every client and project is unique, with specific desires, challenges, and goals. Valuing customer satisfaction means taking the time to understand these unique aspects and working closely with clients to develop customized solutions that meet their specific needs.

  8. Feedback and Improvement: Listening to client feedback is crucial for continuous improvement. It provides valuable insights into what the business is doing well and where there may be opportunities for improvement or innovation.

  9. Emotional Connection: Beyond just meeting technical or functional requirements, working closely with clients to achieve their vision can create an emotional connection. This emotional investment can turn satisfied clients into advocates for the business.

  10. Business Growth and Sustainability: Ultimately, prioritizing customer satisfaction and exceeding client expectations contribute to the long-term growth and sustainability of the business. Satisfied clients not only bring repeat business and referrals but also support the development of a positive brand image that attracts new clients.

In summary, valuing customer satisfaction and working closely with clients are essential practices for ensuring the success and growth of a service-oriented business. These principles foster trust, loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and a competitive edge, all of which are crucial for building a reputable and sustainable business.